Kategorie, do kterých dům spadá: Energeticky úsporné domy, Nízkoenergetické domy, Střední domy, Patrové domy
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un auto
obestavěný prostor
(bez přístřešku):
671,4 m3
zastavěná plocha:113,4 m2
celk. zastav. plocha:130,9 m2
užitná plocha:152,4 m2
obytná plocha:93,8 m2
výška hřebene/atiky:m
doporučená šířka pozemku:17 m
doporučená délka pozemku:22,5 m
cena projektu - Ú:34500 
cena projektu - N:34500 
orientační cena stavby:3,2 mil. Kč
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Jabloň Jabloň Jabloň Jabloň Jabloň Jabloň

Jabloň je dům patřící mezi středně velké rodinné domy. V návrhu je řešen bez garáže, s krytým parkovacím stáním vedle domu, před prostorem skladu. V dispozici přízemí je řešeno prostorné zádveří s přímo napojenou šatnou. Ze zádveří se vstupuje do chodby, odkud jsou přístupné další místnosti přízemí. Jedná se o prostorný obývací pokoj s kuchyní a jídelnou, pracovnu, koupelnu se sprchou, umyvadlem, wc a místem pro pračku, komoru a úložný prostor pod schody. Součástí malé koupelny je i prostorově oddělené místo pro situování kotle. Na prostor obývacího pokoje a jídelny přímo navazuje venkovní terasa, kterou kryje příjemná pergola. V obývacím pokoji je v návrhu počítáno s umístěním krbu nebo krbových kamen. Z hlavního obytného prostoru se vystupuje po schodišti do podkroví. Zde je z prostorné schodišťové haly přístup do tří ložnic, z nichž jedna je řešena v návrhu jako ložnice rodičů a je z ní vstup do šatny. Dále je v podkroví k dispozici velká koupelna s vanou a dvěma umyvadly a oddělené wc. V interiéru podkroví je zajímavě řešena oblouková stěna z luxferů, která koupelnu přisvětluje.

Klasicky řešený rodinný dům Jabloň je tvořen dvěma na sebe navazujícími hmotami - patrovou hmotou obytné části domu a přízemní hmotou skladu. Patrová hmota je kryta jednoduchou sedlovou střechou se sklonem 35°, na níž navazuje pultová střecha nad zádveřím o sklonu 16°. Fasády jsou pojednány v kombinace bílé a oranžové barvy. Výrazným prvkem architektury je pergola kryjící terasu a krytí vstupu markýzou podobné konstrukce.

Svým řešením je rodinný dům Jabloň vhodný pro městské, příměstské i venkovské parcely se střední a větší výměrou. Dům se nejlépe hodí na rovinatý pozemek, ideální orientace vstupu je od východu přes sever až po západ.

Místnosti přízemí: Místnosti podkroví:
1.01 krytý vstup    
1.02 zádveří 5,4 m2
1.03 šatna 2,3 m2
1.04 chodba 5,6 m2
1.05 komora 2,7 m2
1.06 pracovna 10,5 m2
1.07 koupelna a wc, tech. m. 5,4 m2
1.08 úložný prostor pod schody 2,8 m2
1.09 kuchyně 11,5 m2
1.10 obývací pokoj a jídelna 23,7 m2
1.11 schodiště 4,8 m2
1.12 terasa    
1.13 sklad 9,6 m2
1.14 kryté parkovací stání    


2.01 schodišťová  hala 6,9 m2
2.02 koupelna 6,0 m2
2.03 wc 1,7 m2
2.04 ložnice 15,3 m2
2.05 ložnice 15,3 m2
2.06 šatna 5,4 m2
2.07 ložnice 17,5 m2


Pohled z ulice Pohled boční (kuchyně) Pohled ze zahrady Pohled boční
Pohled z ulice Pohled boční (kuchyně) Pohled ze zahrady Pohled boční

* Orientační cena stavby na klíč je stanovena s ohledem na průměr nákladů skutečně realizovaných staveb na klíč bez sadových úprav, přípojek inženýrských sítí a oplocení pozemku - t.j. rodinný dům a úprava plochy do vzdálenosti metr od obvodových zdí domu. Cena je stanovena v cenové úrovni roku 2017. Předpokládá se rovinný terén pozemku. 

* Projekty označené jako Ú jsou nabízeny v energeticky úsporné variantě, projekty označené jako N v nízkoenergetické variantě a vybrané projekty označené jako P i v pasivním standardu. V objednávce je po volbě energetického standardu domu možné volit systém vytápění a přípravy teplé užitkové vody. U energeticky úsporných domů se volí ze dvou základních variant - plyn a elektřina. U nízkoenergetických domů je základní nabídka (plyn a elektřina) vytápění a přípravy teplé vody rozšířena o variantu přípravy prostřednictvím tepelného čerpadla vzduch-voda. U pasivních domů je základní variantou systému vytápění v typovém projektu řízené větrání s rekuperací. Pro teplou vodu je dále vždy řešena možnost zapojení solárních panelů do systému přípravy teplé užitkové vody.

* Ceny projektů jsou uvedeny včetně DPH.

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, Попробуйте odpovědět
Ищете качественный ремонт квартиры? Мы предоставляем полный спектр услуг: капитальный и косметический ремонт, демонтаж и перепланировка помещений. Наша команда опытных специалистов готова отремонтировать ваш дом или квартиру любой площади — однокомнатную, двухкомнатную, трех- или четырехкомнатную. Мы поможем выбрать отделку, двери, плитку и обои, чтобы создать интерьер вашей мечты. Каждое проектирование — это индивидуальный подход, гарантируем высокое качество и разумные цены. Звоните нам, и мы поможем воплотить ваши идеи в жизнь <a href=https://stroitelstvo-and-remont.ru/>https://stroitelstvo-and-remont.ru/</a>
, Why Ceylon Cinnamon fr odpovědět

Hey everyone!

If you’ve never tried Ceylon cinnamon, you’re missing out on one of the best spices nature has to offer.

I recently switched to true cinnamon (aka Ceylon) in my kitchen, and it’s been a total game changer. Whether you love baking, cooking, or just adding a dash of spice to your coffee, this cinnamon is definitely something you should consider.

What makes this spice so special? It’s more delicate and fragrant than regular cassia cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is grown in Sri Lanka, the heart of cinnamon production, where the soil and climate produce the highest quality cinnamon in the world. I’ve been using it in everything from oatmeal to smoothies, and the flavor is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before—sweet, subtle, and aromatic.

But it’s not just about the flavor. The benefits of Ceylon cinnamon are truly amazing. It’s packed with antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties, and can even help regulate blood sugar levels. I’ve noticed better digestion and more sustained energy levels since incorporating Ceylon cinnamon powder into my daily routine.

If you’re wondering where to buy Ceylon cinnamon, I highly recommend checking online stores that offer high-quality, organic options. I found some amazing deals on Ceylon cinnamon sticks and powder, and the best part is that it’s often on sale! When you get it directly from Sri Lanka, you’re getting the real deal—not the cheap, less flavorful cassia cinnamon that’s commonly sold in supermarkets.

Don’t wait to experience the incredible benefits of Ceylon—I promise you won’t regret it. It’s time to bring the taste and health benefits of Sri Lanka’s finest spice into your life!
, Here’s Why Ceylo odpovědět

Hi everyone!

I wanted to share my recent discovery of Ceylon cinnamon, which has quickly become my go-to spice in the kitchen. If you’re tired of using the usual cinnamon and want to try something truly special, then Ceylon is the way to go. Trust me, once you experience true cinnamon, you won’t go back to the regular Cassia.

Grown in the lush hills of Sri Lanka, this spice is considered the “true” form of cinnamon. Unlike the more commonly used cassia cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon has a lighter, sweeter flavor that’s perfect for both sweet and savory dishes. I’ve been using Ceylon cinnamon powder in my coffee, desserts, and even curries, and the taste is just incredible—smooth and aromatic without being overpowering.

But what’s even more exciting are the benefits of Ceylon cinnamon. It’s rich in antioxidants, helps regulate blood sugar, and can even support heart health. I’ve noticed a real difference in my energy levels and digestion since adding it to my diet. Plus, it’s a great natural anti-inflammatory, so it’s perfect for anyone dealing with aches or joint discomfort.

If you’re wondering where to buy Ceylon cinnamon, you’ll find it at a variety of online stores. I’ve found some great deals on Ceylon cinnamon sticks and powder, often on sale, so you can stock up without breaking the bank. Just make sure to look for products that are organic and sourced directly from Sri Lanka to ensure you’re getting the authentic true cinnamon.

So, if you’re ready to take your recipes (and health) to the next level, I highly recommend trying Ceylon. You’ll love the flavor, and your body will thank you for the benefits. Don’t miss out on this incredible spice!
, Обязательно попробуйте odpovědět
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, Why Ceylon Cinnamon fr odpovědět

Hey everyone!

If you’ve never tried Ceylon cinnamon, you’re missing out on one of the best spices nature has to offer.

I recently switched to true cinnamon (aka Ceylon) in my kitchen, and it’s been a total game changer. Whether you love baking, cooking, or just adding a dash of spice to your coffee, this cinnamon is definitely something you should consider.

What makes this spice so special? It’s more delicate and fragrant than regular cassia cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is grown in Sri Lanka, the heart of cinnamon production, where the soil and climate produce the highest quality cinnamon in the world. I’ve been using it in everything from oatmeal to smoothies, and the flavor is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before—sweet, subtle, and aromatic.

But it’s not just about the flavor. The benefits of Ceylon cinnamon are truly amazing. It’s packed with antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties, and can even help regulate blood sugar levels. I’ve noticed better digestion and more sustained energy levels since incorporating Ceylon cinnamon powder into my daily routine.

If you’re wondering where to buy Ceylon cinnamon, I highly recommend checking online stores that offer high-quality, organic options. I found some amazing deals on Ceylon cinnamon sticks and powder, and the best part is that it’s often on sale! When you get it directly from Sri Lanka, you’re getting the real deal—not the cheap, less flavorful cassia cinnamon that’s commonly sold in supermarkets.

Don’t wait to experience the incredible benefits of Ceylon—I promise you won’t regret it. It’s time to bring the taste and health benefits of Sri Lanka’s finest spice into your life!
, Here’s Why Ceylo odpovědět

Hi everyone!

I wanted to share my recent discovery of Ceylon cinnamon, which has quickly become my go-to spice in the kitchen. If you’re tired of using the usual cinnamon and want to try something truly special, then Ceylon is the way to go. Trust me, once you experience true cinnamon, you won’t go back to the regular Cassia.

Grown in the lush hills of Sri Lanka, this spice is considered the “true” form of cinnamon. Unlike the more commonly used cassia cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon has a lighter, sweeter flavor that’s perfect for both sweet and savory dishes. I’ve been using Ceylon cinnamon powder in my coffee, desserts, and even curries, and the taste is just incredible—smooth and aromatic without being overpowering.

But what’s even more exciting are the benefits of Ceylon cinnamon. It’s rich in antioxidants, helps regulate blood sugar, and can even support heart health. I’ve noticed a real difference in my energy levels and digestion since adding it to my diet. Plus, it’s a great natural anti-inflammatory, so it’s perfect for anyone dealing with aches or joint discomfort.

If you’re wondering where to buy Ceylon cinnamon, you’ll find it at a variety of online stores. I’ve found some great deals on Ceylon cinnamon sticks and powder, often on sale, so you can stock up without breaking the bank. Just make sure to look for products that are organic and sourced directly from Sri Lanka to ensure you’re getting the authentic true cinnamon.

So, if you’re ready to take your recipes (and health) to the next level, I highly recommend trying Ceylon. You’ll love the flavor, and your body will thank you for the benefits. Don’t miss out on this incredible spice!
, Why Ceylon Cinnamon fr odpovědět

Hey everyone!

If you’ve never tried Ceylon cinnamon, you’re missing out on one of the best spices nature has to offer.

I recently switched to true cinnamon (aka Ceylon) in my kitchen, and it’s been a total game changer. Whether you love baking, cooking, or just adding a dash of spice to your coffee, this cinnamon is definitely something you should consider.

What makes this spice so special? It’s more delicate and fragrant than regular cassia cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is grown in Sri Lanka, the heart of cinnamon production, where the soil and climate produce the highest quality cinnamon in the world. I’ve been using it in everything from oatmeal to smoothies, and the flavor is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before—sweet, subtle, and aromatic.

But it’s not just about the flavor. The benefits of Ceylon cinnamon are truly amazing. It’s packed with antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties, and can even help regulate blood sugar levels. I’ve noticed better digestion and more sustained energy levels since incorporating Ceylon cinnamon powder into my daily routine.

If you’re wondering where to buy Ceylon cinnamon, I highly recommend checking online stores that offer high-quality, organic options. I found some amazing deals on Ceylon cinnamon sticks and powder, and the best part is that it’s often on sale! When you get it directly from Sri Lanka, you’re getting the real deal—not the cheap, less flavorful cassia cinnamon that’s commonly sold in supermarkets.

Don’t wait to experience the incredible benefits of Ceylon—I promise you won’t regret it. It’s time to bring the taste and health benefits of Sri Lanka’s finest spice into your life!
, Крайне рекомендую odpovědět
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, Is Your Cinnamon the R odpovědět

Hey everyone! If you’re anything like me, you probably think all cinnamon is the same, right? Well, I was shocked to learn that most of the cinnamon we use in cooking and baking isn’t even the true cinnamon! That’s right—what you’re probably using is Cassia cinnamon, and trust me, there’s a HUGE difference between that and Ceylon Cinnamon.

Let me explain why Ceylon Cinnamon is the real deal. First off, it’s known as true cinnamon, and it’s grown primarily in Sri Lanka. It has a much milder, sweeter flavor compared to its Cassia cousin. But here’s where it gets even better—Ceylon Cinnamon has some incredible health benefits that you might not be aware of. For one, it can help lower your cholesterol, support heart health, and improve your metabolism. I’ve personally noticed a huge difference in how I feel since switching to Ceylon.

And here's a little secret you might not know: Ceylon cinnamon has much lower levels of coumarin, which can be harmful in large amounts and is found in the cheaper Cassia varieties. So, if you care about your health and want to stay safe, Ceylon Cinnamon is the way to go.

Now you might be asking, where to buy Ceylon Cinnamon? It’s easier than you think. I found it online, in most health food stores, and even in some local markets. The key is to make sure you're getting the real deal, not the cheaper alternatives. Look for products labeled as "Ceylon Cinnamon" or "True Cinnamon"—that way, you’ll know you’re getting the best quality.

So, if you're ready to step up your spice game and enjoy all the amazing health benefits, make the switch to Ceylon Cinnamon today. It’s a small change that can make a big difference!
, Discover the Secret of odpovědět

Hey there! I have something amazing to share with you today—something that’s been a game changer for me. Have you ever heard of Ceylon Cinnamon? If not, trust me, you’re about to be blown away by its health benefits! As someone who's always on the lookout for natural ways to boost my health, I was introduced to true cinnamon a few months ago, and it’s become a staple in my kitchen.

Unlike regular cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon is considered the true cinnamon. It’s harvested from the Cinnamomum verum tree and is packed with unique benefits that can truly enhance your well-being. One of the standout benefits is its ability to help regulate blood sugar levels. I’ve noticed that since I started incorporating it into my morning smoothies and teas, my energy levels have been much more stable throughout the day!

What’s even better is that Ceylon Cinnamon contains lower levels of coumarin, a compound found in Cassia cinnamon, which can be harmful in large doses. So, if you’re looking for a healthier alternative, Ceylon is the way to go!

But here’s the best part: It’s not just great for controlling blood sugar. The anti-inflammatory properties of Ceylon Cinnamon have been amazing for my digestion and overall gut health. And honestly, I love the taste—it’s milder and sweeter compared to regular cinnamon, making it perfect for cooking, baking, and adding to my morning oatmeal.

Wondering where to buy Ceylon Cinnamon? It’s easier than you think! I’ve found it in health food stores and even online retailers, but always make sure to check the labels for authenticity. Trust me, you’ll never go back to regular cinnamon once you experience the difference.

Give it a try and thank me later! Ceylon Cinnamon isn’t just a spice; it’s a powerful tool for better health.

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